all postcodes in PL21 / IVYBRIDGE

find any address or company within the PL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

PL / Plymouth

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PL21 9AE 50 26 50.389204 -3.921703
PL21 9AA 1 1 50.385326 -3.927569
PL21 9AB 42 19 50.388917 -3.921691
PL21 9AD 1 1 50.389109 -3.921279
PL21 9AF 2 2 50.390007 -3.921003
PL21 9AG 22 1 50.390189 -3.921225
PL21 9AH 5 0 50.388492 -3.922183
PL21 9AJ 7 0 50.388361 -3.92464
PL21 9AL 5 0 50.388313 -3.924272
PL21 9AN 40 3 50.387741 -3.925315
PL21 9AP 2 0 50.387578 -3.925956
PL21 9AR 3 0 50.387434 -3.926839
PL21 9AS 7 0 50.387374 -3.927244
PL21 9AT 14 0 50.387312 -3.927692
PL21 9AU 9 0 50.387771 -3.927711
PL21 9AW 6 0 50.387917 -3.924326
PL21 9AX 14 0 50.388067 -3.928834
PL21 9AY 23 0 50.389451 -3.928904
PL21 9AZ 4 0 50.388029 -3.929508
PL21 9BA 14 0 50.3886 -3.929221